Review of SplashMoney App for BlackBerry

SplashMoney is a very capable BlackBerry app that could manage all your financial transactions in a professional yet simple manner, at the same time offering more features than most similar applications. For example, SplashMoney apps for BlackBerry comes complete with a corresponding desktop version that can be synchronized with their BlackBerries, so that users can always have an identical and updated copy of the records in their PCs as well. Secondly, using SplashMoney, one could directly access and reconcile bank accounts, provided the bank accounts are compatible with Direct Connect internet technology. Fortunately, these days, most banks are Direct Connect internet technology enabled.


In SplashMoney, every bit of user information is protected using password and Blowfish encryption that uses a 64-bit fixed block size and a variable key length of 32 – 448 bits. As of today, no hackers have successfully managed to break into this protection net.


SplashMoney apps for BlackBerry lets users create their own accounts, even though the software comes preset with couple of accounts, which users can choose to continue or they can simply delete it. Creating an account is simple: just hit ‘menu’ and the options to do so will be presented in a drop down menu, which also features options to edit, delete, manage, log view, go to transactions etc. Using ‘manage’, users could add new payees, categories, currencies, classes, transactions types and scheduled transactions. Further, there are options to transfer money between different types of accounts, make/view reports and budgets for book keeping, and even create an account that could access and download information from the respective banks. However, this feature is subjected to pre-approval, and not all banks provide that at the moment (Citibank, Bank of America etc does not support it).

Final Say

SplashMoney is definitely an indispensable BlackBerry application, especially for those who have lots of finance/transactions to do everyday in their personal as well as professional domains. SplashMoney app for BlackBerry gives the users the much needed mobility, freedom, security, and ease of use, when it comes to managing their finances on a daily basis. Some of its features such as the ability to access and reconcile bank accounts online, synchronize with PC, and view reports as pie charts, you may not get to see the same in most other mobile financial applications. Overall, SplashMoney is definitely one of the trusted apps amongst BlackBerry users worldwide.

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