Similar People App for Facebook Review

Facebook is used for a lot of things today. It is used by friends to keep in touch and it is used by family to organize reunions. It is even used by businesses that are looking to reach a particular niche of people. However, one main use that has always been present for Facebook is for people that just want to meet new people over the internet. Any application that can forward this use is one that deserves further attention. Similar People is an example of an app that can do just that.

User Interface

The user interface for Similar People is essentially just the Facebook interface. Many of the great apps for Facebook that are free are ones that can integrate relatively seamlessly into the Facebook machine. Similar People can do that, so you should not encounter anything untoward when you are checking out the interface of this software.

User Interaction

Just as it is true with the user interface, so too is it true with the user interaction. Even though the result of the interaction might be different, the fact of the matter is that user interaction is easy with Similar People if you already know what you are doing as far as Facebook is concerned.

Utility and Productivity

The main utility that you can get from this software is using it to meet new people. You can search on the basis of things like jokes, personal style, personal politics, taste in the arts and just about anything else that can be quantified within the Facebook environment. The Similar People app allows you to meet people that are just like you. Not only can you do this, but you can also figure out exactly which areas they are most like you in and use that information to your advantage when you eventually meet them. You can use this software package to make new friends daily and in the end that really does capture the spirit of what Facebook is all about.

Final Score

In the end, just about everything that can be said about this app is positive. Even though it lacks some of the refined code that you would see in apps that you pay for, this particular Facebook app will still get the job done. For that reason, we’ve assigned it a score of 9.0 out of 10.

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