Solunar Calendar Hunting Calendar iPhone App Review

Solunar Calendar Hunting Calendar iPhone App ReviewSolunar Calendar Hunting Calendar iPhone App Review

The best hunting hours are determined using data about the Moon and Sun for your unique area. With the Solunar Calendar Hunting Aid app, you’ll always know the finest hunting days and hours. The best hunting days are marked on the calendar; the longer the bar, the more likely you are to bag a trophy on that particular day. To see the times of dawn and sunset, day length, or moonrise and moonset, tap the top buttons. A double touch on a day in the calendar will add a note to it. The optimum periods for hunting during the day are indicated by a three-red shell emblem. Only favorable hunting periods are shown by one shell symbol. To see the times on a clock, tap on the icons.

Locate automatically in the map

The animal activity index chart depicts the ideal time for hunting during the day to maximize hunting success. The higher the value on the chart, the more likely you are to receive a new prize. On the map, keep track of all your awards and their images. If you want to designate your favorite site, go to “Map” and put a label on it. To the selected label, you may add several photographs of your prizes, annotations, and weather conditions. You can email your prize pictures later. The Solunar table is used to display the finest hunting days and times on the calendar. This is a simple and quick technique to figure out when you’ll be able to obtain some fantastic trophies with a high success rate.

Solunar Calendar Hunting Calendar iPhone App ReviewSolunar Calendar Hunting Calendar iPhone App Review

Best calendar for hunting

Choose any day to examine Solunar, Moon, and Sun data ahead of time. Check the weather forecast and keep it in the same place as your prize photos. Select a certain time using the slider to receive a more accurate weather prediction. Duck and turkey hunting, as well as large animal hunting (deer hunting, whitetail hunting, elk hunting, bear hunting, hog hunting, and so on) are best during these times. The Solunar calendar is particularly widely followed by all main sorts of hunting. You may create your own list of favorite locations. Simply touch on the coordinates to add labels to the map and pick your location. All functionalities operate even if you don’t have access to the internet. You may use this hunting software in any difficult-to-reach location. The app is priced $2.99 to download from iTunes App Store.

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