Take the Special K Challenge in Spanish with Asesor Special K app for BlackBerry

Plenty of people in the world today can speak more than one language. The global village is getting smaller with each passing day and as a result even countries that have just one official language now have large populations of people within them that can speak, write and read at least two. English and Spanish is a very common combination and while many Spanish people speak and read English just fine, they are naturally more comfortable working in Spanish. If this describes you, Asesor Special K is one interesting BlackBerry app that you might want to take a closer look at.

The Special K Challenge in Spanish

The Special K Challenge, or Asesor Special K, is famous. The idea is that by adhering to a particular diet that involves eating a lot of Special K, you can lose as much as three kilograms of weight in just two weeks. Many people have tried and been successful at this challenge and Asesor Special K BlackBerry app allows you to take that challenge in Spanish.

Help for the challenge

If you feel like taking the challenge, this BlackBerry app can definitely help you out. It starts with different alarms that can help you remember when you should eat. It continues with tips and tricks that can help you get through the two weeks without cheating. Advice is always important when you have a particular goal in mind that you are trying to achieve and therefore you can read the advice in between alarms and incorporate it into your overall experience.


People that have taken the Special K Challenge understand that the challenge itself is not so much about the weight that you lose. That is certainly the end goal, but this challenge is to help you understand how a simple lifestyle change can pay-off in huge amounts. The lifestyle you adapt yourself to during these two weeks should be maintained and from Team Special K icons to BMI calculators that can help you track progress beyond the two weeks, Asesor Special K BlackBerry app can help you maintain the gains you make and even build on them into the future.

Final Score

Asesor Special K app for BlackBerry is a perfect example that apps do not have to be over the top in features or innovation to be good. This is an app that will help you with an important challenge in a language you might be more comfortable with and those are both good things. Our final score for Asesor Special K BlackBerry app is 7 out of 10.

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