Terminology 3 Extensible Dictionary Thesaurus for iPhone Review


It is impossible to remember the millions of words in English. That is where a ready reckoner like a dictionary/thesaurus comes handy. Terminology 3 – Extensible Dictionary and Thesaurus for iPhone is one such app that is part dictionary/thesaurus and part research tool. It helps you explore words and phrases, including less specific terms. You can download Terminology 3 app for $0.99 from iTunes App Store.


Terminology 3 – Extensible Dictionary and Thesaurus for iPhone has a simple and clean interface that is easy to use. You just got to key-in the word you wish to look up, and the app will give you both the definition and synonyms in a single glance. The app features full offline U.S. English dictionary and word reference with simple clear definitions. More specifically, you get to see definitions, synonyms, antonyms and deeper word relations such as: more and less specific words, part, part of, members, member of, pertains to etc. The bottom-line is that you’re provided every aspect of the meaning of a word that you’d searched. Users can also tweak the app to search the internet and even other apps that supports integration with Terminology, thus making it the ultimate look up tool. You can also star favorite words for quick access later. Further, the app has Dropbox integration to keep favorites and word histories backed up.


Users can also view word browsing history anytime, not to mention wildcard searching and spelling suggestions. It is also possible to customize font and font size. Terminology 3 for iPhone provides full iCloud sync so that all of your data goes with you no matter what iOS device you’re currently using. You can also share definitions, favorites and history lists with others. In terms of performance, the app is slick and responsive. Terminology 3 requires iOS 9.0 or higher.


Terminology 3 for iPhone has a clean UI that is easy to use. For every word you search, the app provides both the definition and synonyms in one place, wherein you can even use it as a springboard to search the internet and other reference apps with integration support. Spelling suggestions saves time. You can also favourite words for quick access later on. iCloud sync help you use the app seamless across all iOS devices. We found the app to be stable and responsive as well. Check it out if you’re in the lookout for a comprehensive dictionary and thesaurus app.

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