Tether App for Blackberry Review

Tether App for BlackberryTether App for Blackberry

Technically, tethering lets you access internet on your laptop or PC, wherever there is cellular coverage, through your smartphone. Tether app for Blackberry lets you do that in the context of your Blackberry. As long as you have subscribed to data service on your Blackberry device, you can make use of this app’s features to access internet on your laptop, no matter whether you are waiting at the airport without a WiFi, or waiting for your kids in your car while they get out of the school, or simply relaxing at a coffee shop, with your laptop for company. Blackberry Tether app comes with a hefty price tag of $49.99 USD.

The App

The installation process must be over within couple of minutes. Note that you also need to install a relevant software version of Tether in the PC/laptop you wish to tether with. Tether software creates a virtual network card during the process, and don’t get alarmed if you a find a new one in your PC!

Tether App for BlackberryTether App for Blackberry











Once installation is complete, simply activate Tether app for Blackberry, and the software in your PC or laptop, choose the mode of communication (whether USB or Bluetooth), and you are ready to go. You can set the Blackberry Tether application to run in the background so that you can use the Blackberry for messaging or making calls even when the device is tethering with your laptop/PC behind scene.

Another big advantage of Tether app for Blackberry is that it provides the same data speeds offered by the air card from your cellular data provider. And you can make full advantage of the app if you have an unlimited data plan. Those with limited data plans can check their data usage in the Tether software in the PC. On the downside, you can only tether your Blackberry with one PC/laptop at a time.

Final Thoughts

If you hate not having internet in your laptop while on the move, or often get frustrated about the price of various internet plans, perhaps Tether app for Blackberry could offer you a one-stop solution for your woes. It provides decent data speeds at just about anywhere you go. Even though it is priced a bit high, in combination with an unlimited data plan, it should significantly solve your connectivity problems while on the move. Verdict: A handy utility app that guarantees internet connection wherever you go with your Blackberry.

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