The Flickr App for the BlackBerry

The Flickr App for the BlackBerry


Flickr is a popular photo sharing website that has really come into its own in the last few months. With brand recognition and a newly developed mission to reach out to as many different platforms as possible, Flickr has started to really gain popularity in the world of the mobile devices. The BlackBerry has just recently become one of those devices with the release of a Flickr app that can allow you to take all of your photo sharing actions and do them on your favorite handheld.


User Interaction

Interacting with Flickr on the BlackBerry is not that different from interacting with it on your desktop computer. The main difference is that since you don’t have a mouse, you are going to have to scroll using the controls that are available on the BlackBerry. This might include the use of a pointer if one came with your system or it might involve the use of one of the keys if your system did not come with one.


User Interface

When you take a look at the interface of the Flickr program, what you will see is that it essentially mimics the interface of the normal Flickr webpage. The main difference is that a lot of the content is condensed down into a smaller size. This is understandable given how much smaller the BlackBerry screen is than the average screen on a desktop or laptop computer. The condensation is done well however, allowing you to have all of the same functionality while at the same time not having to search across so many options in order to find the exact one that corresponds to what you want to do at the time.

Utility and Productivity

Whenever an app is created for a handheld device, it runs the risk of making things more complicated if the programmers change too much. This is especially true of applications that already exist for non-handheld devices, so there is always a challenge from the programmer’s point of view.


Flickr not only meets this challenge head on, but also defeats it quite nicely. The BlackBerry version of the popular photo sharing app will allow you to do everything that you could previously do on your computer. Furthermore, it will also allow you to do that when you are on the run. If you have just taken a picture, you can quickly get it uploaded to Flickr before going off to the next location and taking another picture there. In the end, the Flickr app for the BlackBerry is easily one of the best around.



The Flickr app for BlackBerry was clearly developed by people that understand what the new age of technology is all about. Maximum social media is the slogan and this particular application has answered that call bravely. Everyone can take pictures and post them within minutes from any location now and that is truly something that deserves a high mark. Specifically, this app gets 9.5 out of 10 for all of the reasons listed above.

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