The iPump Pilates App

The iPump Pilates App for the iPhone


Getting the perfect body is one step closer when you use the iPump Pilates app for the Apple iPhone. Once you’ve downloaded this baby onto your iPhone, all you have to do is start it and then follow the instructions that come up. A full Pilates workout will be available to you at any point in time, allowing you to exercise and get fit according to whatever your scheduling needs might be at that time.

User Interaction

Interacting with iPump Pilates is very easy to do. In fact, to get the most out of the program, all you really need to do is just tap your way through the different screens. There are about 65-70 different screens available in iPump Pilates, each one of which is chalk full of information on the different exercises that are included in the workout. Users simply scroll back and forth through the different images and text that are available, reading them at their leisure. The text is a bit small, although by now most experienced iPhone users should already be used to it.

User Interface

In many ways, the iPump Pilates app is really like reading an electronic book. Beyond the actual changing of the pages, there is not that much in the way of interaction as was made evident in the previous section. The interface reads very much like a book as well, although the addition of the detailed images might make it more like an exercise magazine than a book. The availability of more video would have made this app even better, as fitness workouts are best presented through iPhone apps with video.

Utility and Productivity

Utilization of the iPump Pilates app should be self-evident, as it is a multi-purpose Pilates workout. If you want to strengthen your abs and make them into the classic six-pack abs that people seem to love these days, you should definitely start with the iPump Abs & Core exercise. For people that want flexibility and muscle balance instead, the iPump Stretch is easily the best workout to try. There are three different levels available that collectively form a progressive workout with iPump Pilates, allowing the user to use just this app and no others if they want to get the Pilates workout down pat. One of the best things about any app is if it has the ability to complete its main purpose on its own and this is definitely true about the iPump Pilates application on the Apple iPhone.


In the end, the iPump Pilates application gets high marks. Overall, we have given it a rating of 8.5 out of 10. The video would have given it a rating of over 9, but the lack of video and the proliferation of images suggest some cost-cutting features were put into place to compromise quality slightly. It is a popular app dealing with a popular issue and has everything else going for it. For that reason, it is still a very strong recommendation on the part of our staff.


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