The Sequence Game for iPhone Review


If you wish to give your brain a nice workout, check this one out: the Sequence for iPhone. It is a logical puzzle game wherein you got to build a sequence using special modules to transfer binary cell. You can get the Sequence app for $0.99 from iTunes App Store.


The interface of the Sequence for iPhone is simple and clean. The bright vibrant colors and dark background contrasts nicely. While at the beginning, the game features just few colors at a time, as you progress, you’ll have a ton of different hues, serving as some fantastic eye candy. It is easy to identify what each piece does after seeing it in action during sequence mode. The animations are slick and smooth without any apparent lag. The soundtrack is soothing while the sound effects are delightful. The game has 72 levels marked with simple and complex structure. The objective in the game is straightforward: build a sequence of actions using special modules in order to transfer the binary cell to the end point. The game starts off as elementary. But the difficulty soon ramps up as you progress, with different kinds of modules and obstacles that will interfere with the sequence, as no collisions are permitted.


The controls are simple and intuitive. In ‘Build Mode’, you just drag and drop the various module pieces available to you onto the grid. Each piece can be rotated using the buttons in editor mode as you select them on the board. You can also change the sequence number of each piece as you go ahead. In case you want to get rid of module, simply click on the trash button. Instead, when you are satisfied with the placement, just click on the checkmark to set it in place. Repeat the process for each module and once everything is in place, switch to ‘Sequence Mode’ and tap on the play button. Now you’ll see your sequence in action. If there are any collisions, then it was deemed unsuccessful. For your solution to work, it has to grab enough cells in order to fill the gauge. In case you’re stuck somewhere, you can make use of ‘Hint points’ that you earn by completing puzzles. Since the game is based on trial and error, it is advisable to save the hints for later difficult levels. the Sequence requires iOS 5.1.1 or later.


the Sequence for iPhone is fun yet challenging, especially at later levels. The game has no scoring system or medals to earn. It also has no in-app purchases so that you got to solve the puzzles using your brain alone. The visuals are crisp and colorful and the background score pretty enjoyable. The controls feel natural and easy to pick up. It is also stable and responsive. Check it out if you like sequential puzzlers.

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