Timelines – Time Tracking iPhone App Review

Timelines - Time Tracking iPhone App ReviewTimelines - Time Tracking iPhone App Review

Timelines for iPhone is a useful time tracker app that offers timeline and statistics. It helps improve your time management, and you can find more time for the things you care about the most. You can download Timelines app for $7.99 from iTunes App Store.

Use Your Time Systematically

Timelines – Time Tracking app for iPhone will let you use your time more efficiently. It basically shows you where you time goes. The app allows you to set up projects and areas in your life that you want to measure. Record what you’re doing throughout the day using timers. You can start and stop timers with just one tap. Users can view the tracked time on an interactive timeline, and get the bigger picture with Statistics. Scroll and zoom through your tracked time. You can quickly see how you are doing over time. Just enable Statistics mode and scroll through time to change statistics interval. The app also let you easily get a PDF or CSV export, whereupon you can view it right inside the app.

Timelines - Time Tracking iPhone App ReviewTimelines - Time Tracking iPhone App Review

Timelines – Time Tracking iPhone app has a simple enough structure that won’t confuse the average user. You can create a timeline for each project or area in your life that you want to track. Each timeline has events, which represent single blocks of tracked time. Events can have a name and a note as you prefer. The overall design is gorgeous and user friendly. But it is not only the aesthetical part that is impressive. Its underlying architecture is also equally robust – it provides you a crash-free experience all the time. The app is also Apple Watch integrated, meaning you can track time from your wrist. Timelines app for iPhone works with iOS version 9.0+.

Final Thoughts

Timelines app for iPhone is a brilliant time management app that let you systematically allocate time for all your projects and other activities and therein improve productivity. The app let you quickly view your schedules, your progress in each, and check the overall statistics that is presented to the users in an easy to read format. PDF or CSV export comes handy. The app is also stable. It underlying architecture is robust and ensures a crash free experience. Apple Watch integration is another notable feature. Overall, a nice time tracker application that tells you clearly where your time goes. In a world where time equates to money, its price tag is not high either. Check it out if you’re curious.

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