Todo.Txt Touch App for Android Review

There are many Todo apps available in Google Play Store. But this one, Todo.Txt Touch app for Android, does not rely on proprietary databases to store your details. Instead, it saves the list in a simple text file that is synced with DropBox. Todo.Txt Touch Android app may be downloaded for a nominal $1.99 from Google Play Store.

How Todo.Txt Touch Android App works?

Todo.Txt Touch app for Android uses a simple design and idea that makes use of a cross platform concept such as the DropBox to sync your todo list between your computers and Android devices. The notable aspect of the app is that your todo list exists in a text file that you control, unlike countless other todo apps and sites that store your info in proprietary databases and file formats. You can edit it on the go and the app automatically syncs the file back to all your computers and Android devices via Dropbox.

Typical of todo applications, Todo.txt Touch for Android lets you add, update and prioritize tasks, tag them with project names and contexts, search or filter tasks entered or mark items as you wish. It is also possible to archive old entries, even though you can’t undo the move, once archived. It should be kept in mind that the desktop app for Todo is a command line only. But no worries as the syntax are quite easy to pick up. It will be still easier once you start using the same.

The user interface of Todo.Txt Touch app for Android is well layout and easy to use. You won’t find it difficult to access the various options when it comes to making the todo list. And it goes without mention that you should have a DropBox account to use this application. Todo.Txt Touch Android app is compatible with Android OS versions 1.6 and upwards.

Final Thoughts

Todo.Txt Touch app for Android stands out for its architecture that brings together ease of use and safety of cloud. There is no proprietary database means you are always in control of your to-dos. It is easy to add tasks, mark it, search or filter on the go. Access to DropBox lets you view the todos from any PC or Android devices you own. Overall, a compelling package worth trying out if you’re looking for a reliable and easy to use todo app for your Android phone.

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