TouchRetouch for iPhone is an affordable and easy-to-use program that provides a little more retouching power than you’ll find in iPhoto. TouchRetouch app costs $1.99 to download from iTunes.
As the name implies, TouchRetouch iPhone app concentrates on retouching and removing blemishes from your photos. The core of the program on both Mac and iOS devices is the Retouch tool, which allows you to remove blemishes or other unwanted elements from images. However, there’s also a Lasso option that can be used to trace around the edges of larger elements, or those that have more irregular outlines. Of course, iPhoto previously has its own retouch tool that does the same thing, but in tests with a number of photos it was found that TouchRetouch produced better results. The Retouch tool in iPhoto works well enough with small marks and blemishes, but when we tried to get rid of bigger image elements – such as an unnecessary passerby – iPhoto left a rather muddled unclear blur in their place. In contrast, TouchRetouch, by and large, left a cleaner, smoother image behind.
When the fundamental Retouch tool isn’t enough, TouchRetouch for iPhone also includes a Clone tool that allows you to grace the image by brushing over with details sampled from a different area in the image. The results aren’t at all times perfect, and it was found that TouchRetouch struggles if the unwanted detail overlaps the outline of a major part of the key image (such as a head popping up behind someone’s shoulder). For the most part, though, the Retouch and Clone tools produced superior results with very little endeavor.
TouchRetouch for iPhone is restricted in scope, and undoubtedly isn’t attempting to contend with all-round editing tools such as Photoshop Elements. However, the program does do a improved job than iPhoto when it comes to the detailed task of removing blemishes and other superfluous details from photos. There’s also a free demo available for iOS devices if you want to get an idea of how it works prior to paying for the full version for either platform.

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