Travel Buddies App for iPhone Review

App developers often come up with newer concepts to integrate various aspects of our lives into the social framework. Travel Buddies for iPhone is one such unique concept. After all, who wish to travel alone? The app is a social network for people who love to travel. You can get Travel Buddies app for $0.99 from iTunes App Store.


Travel Buddies for iPhone is aimed at those who love to meet new people and discover new places. It builds sort of social network around the concept of looking for travel partners for people who are globetrotters basically. Once you’d set up your profile, you can start looking for other likeminded people who are planning trips in your area or those who follow similar routes as yours. Simply upload your travel plans on your profile, and you can easily zone in on other travelers who are in your area at the time. Alternatively, you can search for tourists with similar travel plans as yours. Once you find someone, you can get in touch through direct chat or email or simply posting a message on the wall before finalizing the trip plans.

The UI of Travel Buddies for iPhone is well designed and easy to use. It will be a breeze for those who’re used to with the present day social network apps. It is a matter of few seconds to familiarize with the menus and other options to put together a list of potential travel partners. Of course, you’re going to meet strange people. Hence it is advisable to be cautious while accepting travel partners for your trip. However, you can’t see much profile information other than the things users put up on their wall. It would have been better had the app provided more options to put up a more detailed profile for oneself. Performance wise, the app is pretty stable, slick and responsive.


Travel Buddies for iPhone is not meant for everyone. It is exclusively aimed at those who are willing to explore the world with strangers. Those who’re used to SNS will find it easy to use the app. In short, if you’re one who likes to meet new people, try new things, but hates to travel alone, Travel Buddies app might be the right networking tool for you. Check it out.

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