TubeBuddy App for BlackBerry Review

Part of being a savvy traveler includes understanding how to get around within the area that you travel to once you’ve arrived at the destination. Take London as an example and you will see what this means. Sure you can buy a ticket and fly into Heathrow Airport with no problem, but how are you going to get around the city once you get there? In most cases, the answer is going to be taking the Tube.

Get a map of the Tube

The Tube is the name that is given to the underground train service that London has to offer. It is a system provided by the city to people and is essentially subway public transportation that allows people to get from one place to another. In many cases it is actually possible to get around the city by walking, but if that isn’t the case for you the Tube will allow you to get where you need to go in an amount of time that is certainly reasonable. However, in order to make the most of this excellent service you do need to have some idea of what the Tube is and where the different trains go. A map of the tube is just the tip of the iceberg of excellence that you can get from TubeBuddy mobile app for BlackBerry.

Get updates on Tube service

The Tube is like any other public transportation system. Sometimes there are delays and sometimes there are cancellations depending on what happens throughout the day. You can get updates on current Tube service status across all lines using TubeBuddy mobile application. At the same time, you can get live scheduling updates too so that you will be able to find out when the next train will leave any station that you designate. If you have a certain route that you need to get on, BlackBerry TubeBuddy app can help you determine when the next few trains will be going through. For routes that are less frequent, this is a vitally important service.

Final Score

When you take those two features and add them to things like favorite setting ability and excellent user interface, the final score for TubeBuddy BlackBerry app is 8 out of 10. All it needs to do to get a higher score is to make the updates a little more reliable. They are really good now, but they can be upgraded to perfection in which case the score will be too.

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