TV Tracker App for iPhone Review

If you’re a television buff, perhaps TV Tracker app for iPhone would come just handy. The app let you have a glance of your favorite TV shows alongside providing detailed info on the show, its actors, and episodes. Also you can keep track of which episodes you’ve already watched in a particular TV series. TV Tracker iPhone app can be downloaded for $0.99 from iTunes App Store. The app is also available in a Lite version.

TV Tracker App Features

TV Tracker app for iPhone is basically a tool to organize your TV viewing routine. In the ‘Series Screen’, you have all the series that you are following. It got three classifications: ‘Favorite Series’, which features the series that you love the most, “Active Series” which are for the series that have new episodes in the future, and the “Archived Series” which are for series that have finished but you still want to look at.

For every series, there is an ‘Episode Screen’, which got all the episodes for that series. You can view the episode name, season number, episode no., average rating, a flag to say if you have Watched / Acquired it, when it was first aired and an image from the episode if it has been downloaded to your device. By clicking on the season number, you can quickly move to that particular season of a particular series. In Episode Detail screen, you get other details like Actors, Directors, First aired date, Writers, Genre and Guest stars will also be added where available. The app picks the average rating of a series from You can also rate the show or re-rate an already rated show at a later date. TV Tracker iPhone app is also SNS integrated. You can let others know what you’re watching via Twitter/Facebook.

Further, by tapping on the Bulk button at the bottom of the episode detail page you will be able to update the Watched, Acquired flag as well as the rating for that season or season. You can use this feature to go through the season and mark them as watched or mark the series as a whole as watched then just go to the couple of episodes that you have not seen and mark them as Unwatched.

Finally, you got the ‘Episodes Section’ that has three views: ‘Unwatched Episodes’ that lists the episodes you’ve not watched, ‘Recent Episodes’ that features the episodes aired between 7 days ago and 7 days from now, and ‘Custom Filters’ that shows the episodes based on your rating.


TV Tracker app for iPhone is a handy application that helps you keep tab of your favorite shows, organize them for easy viewing, and share it with your friends/family. Verdict: Try it out if you’re quite a TV addict.

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