Upgrade your alarm experience with Alarm Clock Pro App for iPhone

Alarm Clock Pro app for iPhone is a fantastic application that will make you think long and hard about spending money to make sure that you get a great return. Is this going to be the alarm clock app that will solve all your problems? Maybe it will and maybe it won’t, but only making the purchase will give you the chance to truly appreciate the experience that you can get from a Alarm Clock Pro iPhone app acting as your official alarm clock.

Great clock mechanics

Not only will iPhone Alarm Clock Pro app act as an alarm clock, but the actual clock mechanics are pretty good too. The LCD display gives you the opportunity to pick from seven different colours for display purposes, all of which are nice to look at. You have both horizontal and vertical options for your iPhone with this app and you can customize the look and feel for the overall alarm. You can use the alarm settings to pick a specific alarm tone, a specific song or even pick some playlists from iTunes that you can put into it in order to wake up to the perfect music each and every day. Snooze and stop buttons are huge so that you can’t miss them and of course you can set multiple alarms if that is what you would like to do.

Good additional features

Not only will you find that Alarm Clock Pro app for iPhone does a lot of good things within its primary features, but you will also find that it has quite a bit to offer in the area of ancillary features as well. The ability, for example, to generate a weather report for you based on your location each morning. Getting this little bit of info can help you make an intelligent start to your day and that on its own is definitely saying quite a few things. You can use your iPhone as a flashlight with this app as well. Simply shake the iPhone and the application will kick into high gear, displaying the flashlight for you to use however you’d like.

Final Score

Upgrading your alarm experience would only cost $0.99 in the case of this app and when you see everything that you get in return for making that commitment, it becomes easy to see why we like this app so much. Our final score for Alarm Clock Pro iPhone app is a wholehearted 10 out of 10.

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