Watch the TV from Anywhere with SlingPlayer Mobile App for Blackberry

If you have your Blackberry and an active internet connection capability, you can watch your television from anywhere. Why should you have to miss the big show or wait until you can get home and watch it on your DVR just because you weren’t at home when it aired? That makes no sense in the internet age and it is what SlingPlayer app for Blackberry attempts to correct.

Slingbox and Blackberry needed

In order to make this system work, you need exactly three things. You need a Slingbox at home with the active internet or Wi-Fi connection. You need a Blackberry device that has the same connectivity so that it can communicate with your Slingbox at home. You also need the SlingPlayer Mobile Blackberry app. If you have all three of these things, you will definitely be able to work some viewership magic in terms of getting television programs on your mobile smart phone device.

Watch your favorite television shows when they actually air

With Blackberry SlingPlayer Mobile app, you can actually watch television shows when they come on television. Although the DVR has made that less of an issue, the fact of the matter is that you still want to watch them as soon to live as possible for the simple reason that you want to see the show before you see the reviews. You want to see the big game before you read the sports columns about it. Watching a show live can still be a big deal especially when you have time to watch it but are just not near your television at the time.

Upload recorded shows on your Blackberry

Even if you are in a situation where the live television watching feature is not one that interests you, surely you’ll have spare time on the go that you can use to catch up on shows that you’ve already recorded? Catching up will go a lot faster if you can watch them both when you are on the go with time and when you are at home with time. SlingPlayer Mobile app for Blackberry will give you the chance to do exactly that.

Final Score

Although implementation and interface qualities are not perfect with Blackberry SlingPlayer Mobile app, it is still a very impressive piece of software that will only get better with time. Our final score for SlingPlayer Mobile Blackberry app is 9 out of 10.

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