World Cruise Story Game App for Android Review

World Cruise Story is a fun filled management game application from Kairosoft Co., Ltd. The object of the game is to build the best cruise liner from the scratch. World Cruise Story app for Android comes at a price tag of $4.99.

How World Cruise Story App is Played Out?

At a very basic level, Android World Cruise Story game app is played in the same way as a typical cruise line tycoon game. You begin with a small cruise ship with couple of rooms, an open deck, and a very sparse selection of things to build. But by investing and exploring, your selection of things will grow. While placing rooms, one has to be careful to ensure that everything is accessible, and has enough environmental bonuses to enhance its attractiveness. Ultimately you got to have your guests like what they see.

By investing money in options that’ll become available, you can unlock additional rooms and passenger types. Once sufficient passenger types in a specific country have become fans of your cruise, you can invest in inviting King/Queen of the respective country to come over for a visit. If they themselves like your services, you’ll get to unlock other countries to take your ship to. However, it will be tough to impress the royalty; they might spend much time in the bathroom or ATM, and later will complain that the services were not impressive. Next time, inviting them comes at a higher price, and you might hit a wall quickly should you repeatedly fail to impress the royalty.

The graphics of Android World Cruise Story Game app is impressive, even though menu items may be a bit perplexing. While it is easy to navigate through the menus, some items are classified weirdly for most people’s common sense. For example, a tennis court is labeled as a store, while a slot machine is a facility. And there are lots of places where you have to build and find it out for yourself what something means and where. Clearly Kairosoft could have done far better than this for a paid game for Android.

Final Thoughts

World Cruise Story app for Android is certainly better than Hot Springs Story, thanks to its environment. And it has enough material to keep you, the player, glued to the smart phone screen. Obviously, there are some shortcomings that Kairosoft should have ideally taken care of. But that does not make the game unplayable. Overall, World Cruise Story game app is a good enough cruise line tycoon game to have in your Android device.

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