Yoga Studio iPhone App Review

Yoga has been one of the most widely recognized and accepted medium to maintain physical, mental and spiritual harmony in the life of an individual. Of late, yoga, its study and practices have found a wider acceptance with more number of people following it day by day. Yoga Studio for iPhone is an extremely popular iOS application that solely assists the user with all information related to yoga. The application has been posthumously awarded and ranked as one of the finest yoga apps available at present. Yoga Studio app is priced $3.99 at iTunes App Store.


Being an educative application, Yoga Studio iPhone app provides access to a set of yoga classes, right from its introduction. The interface is designed for that very purpose, less fun and more information. Inside a neatly maintained menu screen, the classes are being classified accordingly for beginners, intermediates and experts. There are five main tabs to surf within the application namely ‘Studio’, ‘Classes’, ‘Poses’, ‘Schedule’ and ‘Search’. The ‘Studio’ tab most likely turns out to be the home screen of the application containing the recent classes you have downloaded and viewed. To list out the wide range of yoga lessons, you can choose the ‘Classes’ tab. Around 300 different poses can be browsed upon from the ‘Poses’ tab where selecting each of them leads to a brief description, list of benefits, dangers and more about the specific pose. The poses can be sorted by name, type, ability and focus. This feature becomes very handy in helping you master each yoga technique step by step. You can schedule your classes on a specific date by clicking on the ‘Schedule’ tab which opens up a calendar on screen. You can add the classes on each date by tapping the ‘+’ icon on top. In addition to these, there is also a built in search engine to find anything within the application very quickly.

Each class video in Yoga Studio for iPhone is very much detailed and takes its time to unfold where the user can closely watch with patience on how to maintain the body posture for each technique. Any doubts on the postures can be cleared by browsing the poses option. There is a favourite option to group all your favourite classes at one place and access them easily. You can also create custom classes of your own by giving it a specific name and adding poses of your choice. A lot of other customization options are also present like the music playlist, progress bars, volume etc which altogether make this an all-round personal yoga application suitable for all.


With Yoga Studio app for iPhone, anyone who is interested in mastering the art of yoga can now do it without much effort. The virtual video classes, detailed poses and a wholesome other yoga information can now be accessed right on your iPhone. Go for this wonderful Yoga Studio app, if you really love yoga.

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