YP Mobile iPhone App Review

YPMobile App

Enjoy access to the Yellow Pages, or a very reasonable facsimile of the Yellow Pages, right in your iPhone Mobile Phone. This clever and useful YP mobile app makes it easy for you to find concerts, sporting events, plays, festivals and more in your town or city, anytime you want to retrieve that information.

This is a practical app because the information you want is always easily accessible, anytime day or night, anywhere you find yourself.

Application Name: YPMobile App is a great idea for any person with an active lifestyle. It gives you so much information about places and events in your local area – almost instantly. It is the equivalent of the full size Yellow Pages book wrapped up neatly and available to you in your iPhone  Mobile Phone.

Summary YPMobile App: this is a great idea that any iPhone user will appreciate. It literally puts the Yellow Pages “at your fingertips.” You can use this application to find concerts … professional and amateur sporting events … plays … local festivals and street fairs … and lots more.

You can also use this app to find popular businesses in your area. Simply scroll to locate the businesses that interest you. You’ll also be able to scan ratings of these businesses and other events … read reviews from professionals and ordinary citizens … and learn details about new businesses in your local area.

Importantly, events are added daily so that information doesn’t remain stagnant or grow stale or outdated. And you can conduct business searches the same way you would when using the actual Yellow Pages. It’s that easy.

You can even search for social events, like plays and festivals, in the same manner. That’s practical, convenient … and incredibly user-friendly.

User Interaction: allows the user to search for, and locate, all events and businesses local to the city or town in which he or she resides. The same information is available for the iPhone user when he or she travels to another town or city.

YP Mobile App User Interface: easy-to-use and effective, it puts all the information you will ever need or want, about businesses and events in your city, right at your fingertips.

Utility and Productivity: it’s like having the actual Yellow Pages right inside your iPhone Mobile Phone and always available to you, whenever and wherever you need it. That’s amazing convenience.

Rating YPMobile App (9.0 out of 10). This is an extremely useful and practical app. It’s easy-to-use, as well. However, it is not as comprehensive as the actual Yellow Pages (as you might expect) and that’s why it is receiving the rating which is indicated above.

However, it is still an app that will provide you with an excellent service and one that is worthwhile. If you are someone who likes to shop and enjoys entertainment, as well, you will use this YP mobile application over and over and over. Enjoy it.

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