A Novel Idea Pro App for iPhone Review

If you’re a writer, you’ll agree to the fact that one got no real control over how creative ideas are born in their heads. So it is important that you note down the thought straightaway – mentally or otherwise – before it vanishes for good. A Novel Idea app for iPhone provides writers with an intuitive way to collect, review, and organize their ideas. You can download A Novel Idea iPhone app from iTunes App store free of cost, and then make an in-app upgrade to Pro for $2.99 to enjoy all its features.

A Novel Idea Pro App Features

A Novel Idea Pro app for iPhone is just ideal to record burst of inspiration rearing in your head while on the go, and organize it into a meaningful string of closely related ideas. The app got a very simple and user friendly interface that you can use to create your characters, locations, scenes, and novels and then link them together to create your story’s plot. Make use the Idea feature to quickly jot down your creative sparks, snap photos and link them to your story elements. Further, a perfect story line requires an ordered arrangement of scenes, and the app let you do just that by dragging and dropping your scenes in the right place. You can add scene goals and objectives for each character as required.

Further, iPhone A Novel Idea Pro app supports syncing between Dropbox and home device, word count, supports scene writing, an option to export via email, or directly export to iTunes. A notable feature that writers will enjoy is the prompts. When you begin with a character listing, you got all blanks to fill in such as name, age, description, species, external conflict, internal motivations, education, fears, past residences etc. The prompts help you to give a definite outline to your characters. A Novel Idea Pro iPhone application is designed to work with iOS versions 4.3 or later.


A Novel Idea Pro app for iPhone is a boon to writers and other creative people who want to put down their creative thoughts right when it props in their minds. The app let you jolt down your thoughts/ideas in one place and string them together to form a meaningful context. Prompts let you provide a complete outline to your characters from one place, while Dropbox and device syncing gives you more control over your contents. The option to share via email comes handy, if you want to send your ideas/notes to someone else. To sum it up, a useful tool to record your story concepts rearing in your head while you’re on the go.

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