GroupShot App for iPhone Review

Capturing group photos can be tricky, at least for the photographer. When you got many people facing the camera, you can’t guarantee that all of them are smiling, have their eyes open, and more importantly, looking at the camera in the precise moment the photo is snapped. GroupShot app for iPhone could solve these group photo woes in a big way. The app let you pick and choose parts of different photos and combine them to form a perfect shot that looks exactly the same as the original. GroupShot iPhone app can be downloaded from iTunes App Store for a nominal $0.99.

GroupShot App Features

In order to make the perfect group photo, first you select two or more photos from the camera roll or photo stream (or you can click it straightaway), and GroupShot app for iPhone picks the best one from it. This is the photo that you’re going to work on. In order to replace a face, simply draw over the face and the app will pull up the said face from other selected photos. The app’s complex algorithm works behind scene to offer facially recognizable alternatives. You’ll see the options on the right of the screen. Tap on the one you think is perfect, and the app will do the rest. And the best thing is that you don’t have to be too precise in your selection.

But, it will be tough to replace someone’s body turned away from the camera or in another direction. In a sense, it is a drawback of GroupShot iPhone application. You won’t be able to get a seamless swap as replacing someone’s closed eyes with open ones. Also, it should be kept in mind that the selected photos have the same alignment and framing. Otherwise, the app may not be able to recognize the faces it needs to swap. For best results with GroupShot, try using app such as Camera+ in burst mode to capture the photos. This will ensure that you’ll get nearly the same frame and alignment, with better consistency. iPhone GroupShot app is compatible with iOS versions 4.3 or higher.


GroupShot app for iPhone let you take a bunch of similar photos and combine the best parts from each of those into one to make the perfect group photo. The app is easy to use for most parts. However, it may not work well if the alignment and framing of selected photos are inconsistent. Verdict: Worth trying it out.

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