PicsArt for Kids iPhone App Review

As a parent most of us are quite worried about our kids playing and learning habits. It is time to introduce this awesome iPhone application, tendering their needs in creative way. PicsArt for Kids iPhone app is a wonderful education application to create a new world of art for your kid. Easy interface and lots of choices gives a real time experience to your child.

Features of PicsArt for Kids App

PicsArt for Kids iPhone app is crafted beautifully with three dimensions Drawing, Coloring and Learning. This is designed especially for growing kids. This application has superior quality content to attract its target users. Drawing is a new experience for your kids as they can use all of their fingers simultaneously to draw the object. So they have all freedom to put their imagination on fair canvas with all power in their own hand. They need not to be dependent on other supportive articles to draw. Now when we come to coloring option, it has lots of cartoons, nature scenes, fairy tale characters and much more to color. Numerous options and multi color filling give choices to your kid to play with colors in their own way.

iPhone PicsArt for Kids app also works as intuitive learning tool. It makes your child learn that how large figures are made of simple objects around us. It gives them wide idea of formation of new objects too. Art is not just a hobby these days, it is a learning tool and motivation for an artist for kids. So as a parent this app helps you to give right direction to your kid.

PicsArt for Kids app (current version- 1.0.0) can be downloaded for $3.99 from Apple iTunes website with requirement of iOS 5.0 or later. The app size is 26.0 MB.


PicsArt for Kids iPhone app can give new wings to your kid’s imagination with high level of motivation and self confidence. This app is full of creativity and fun to make your kid smarter in the crowd and learning in the process is the additional advantage.

Verdict: A useful app for smart kids and parents to give extra edge to knowledge and fun as well.

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