Politonus app for iPhone Review
A famous music guru based in Boston designed this exercise – Politonus – wherein it challenges you to identify one to 11 notes at a time, in various keys and chords. It is believed that earlier, people had a long waiting time to access this information. But now you got it right in your iPhone. You can download Politonus app for $3.99 from iTunes App Store.
The App
Politonus app for iPhone will help anybody significantly improve their aural skills. From beginners to professionals, this is a great workout for your ears. Using the app, you can listen from 1 to 11 notes at the time relative to any major key, diatonically or chromatically. Select whether you want to see notes by name, degrees or movable do. The best part is that now you can train and open up your ears anytime, anywhere. If you persist with the app, it will build up your perceptions all the way to near perfect pitch. Politonus for iPhone keeps tab of your progress and updates you as to where you stand as of now. It tells you when you’ve reached a master level in the current settings so you can confidently move on to a more complex ear training workout. It does so in a beautiful graphical manner; both the note streak and accuracy circles will turn green when you’d reached a master level.
Politonus app includes a coach with a powerful algorithm for relative and/or perfect pitch that acts as an ear training tutor. It presents progressive exercises and allows you to step up to a harder level when you are ready. With Politonus for iPhone, you’ll have a great ear training teacher anywhere. Performance wise, Politonus app for iPhone is slick and responsive. The UI is user friendly as well. The app requires iOS 9.1 or higher.
Final Take
Politonus for iPhone has exercises that help to build up your perceptions to near-perfect pitch. It is suitable for beginners and professionals alike. Most importantly, the app help you improve your aural skills over time. It is a nice touch that the app keeps track of your progress and updates the user. The UI layout is largely user friendly. Controls are intuitive as well. The blue color theme also looks nice. Check it out if you are curious.
Category: iPhone Apps