Airmail iPhone App Review

| January 21, 2017 | 0 Comments

Airmail – Your Mail With You for iPhone is a sophisticated email client that supports 3D Touch, fast document previewing, high quality PDF creation, and native integration with other apps and services to facilitate seamless workflow. You can download Airmail app for $4.99 from iTunes App Store.


Airmail – Your Mail With You app was originally introduced for Mac. Now it has made its way to iOS. One of the biggest USPs of Airmail for iPhone is its integration with Siri. To send email, you don’t have to open Airmail app. In fact, you don’t have to type anything. Just open Siri, and command it to send an email with Airmail. Siri will ask to whom you’d like to email and what you’d like to say to the contact. Once you do that, Siri will do the rest. In Airmail for iPhone, you can have multiple email accounts, a unified inbox with color-coded mailboxes for each account, support for folders and labels, thread viewing, PDF creation, HTML signatures, and aliases. Also, it has features like snooze, interactive push notifications, and full inbox sync. Further, iCloud sync provides a fully ubiquitous experience so that all your accounts and app preferences are synced. The app also has couple of Today widgets providing a view of the inbox and to-do list.

Airmail iPhone App Review

Airmail iPhone app also has an iMessage extension that offers access to your email attachments. With said extension, you can quickly share any of the attachments in your inbox with your family and friends in couple of taps. Other major features of Airmail for iPhone include spotlight search for documents and messages, bulk editing, notification based on location, document view with rich preview, online search and customizable swipes. The app is integrated with cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Droplr, OneDrive and It also supports multiple languages. The UI of Airmail is thoughtfully designed to provide a seamless emailing experience. The app is also found to be stable and responsive. Airmail app requires iOS versions 9.0 or higher.


Airmail app for iPhone is a powerful email client with 3D touch, PDF creation abilities and native integration with third-party apps like Siri and cloud services. iMessage extension let you share attachments in your inbox in few clicks. Today widgets provide a quick glance of the inbox as well as your to-do list. iCloud sync makes it accessible from your Mac as well as iPhone. The UI layout is largely user friendly. It is also slick and responsive. Check it out if you think your default email client just does not cut it when it comes to advanced emailing features.

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