Learn all there is to know about the financial world with the new and improved Bloomberg App for iPhone

| November 14, 2010 | 0 Comments

Bloomberg is an iPhone app that has been around for some time. Over the course of time though, the app has been upgraded and improved. The modern version of Bloomberg app for iPhone contains all of the fixes that have been included over the years and it is now a very sweet app available for free that is definitely worth a look.

Trusted information right to your iPhone

The information from Bloomberg is now available right on your iPhone. The good thing about this is that the full array of information is now available without too much navigational difficulty, something that has not always necessarily been true for the Bloomberg iPhone app. Bloomberg of course is definitely one of the most trusted names in financial news and that of course is even better news for people that are looking for an iPhone app that can give them this kind of information.

All kinds of financial information available

What really makes Bloomberg good aside from the fact that it is a trusted name in finances by hundreds of thousands of people that make their living in the industry is the fact that it is comprehensive. If you are looking for financial news, Bloomberg is your source of information. If you are looking for quotes on various stocks, Bloomberg is your source of information. If you are looking for market conditions, projections, descriptions of companies or anything else, Bloomberg can be your source of information. There are not many online sites out there that can make that claim and even fewer that can do it with a new and improved Bloomberg iPhone mobile application that is certainly a lot to look at.

Final Score

Bloomberg is a comprehensive and authoritative source of financial information. Furthermore, Bloomberg app for iPhone in question gives you all of the information that you could need as far as easy viewing on your iPhone is concerned. Finally, different iPhone app specific features such as the ability to create a specific list of stocks to watch give you the chance to really get some mobile advantage from this app. Combine those three things together and what you have is a recipe for success for the new and improved Bloomberg app for the iPhone. Our final score for Bloomberg iPhone app is 10 out of 10 because it really is one of the best financial apps out there for the iPhone and you know it’s just going to get better with time.

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Category: Finance, iPhone Apps

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