Learn your true level of intelligence with the Moron Test App for iPhone

| September 18, 2010 | 0 Comments

How smart do you think you are? The answer to that question may surprise you as the Moron Test app for iPhone has the definite ability to measure your intelligence based on how you do with the different aspects of the game. The game has different sections with steps in each section and how you perform with the steps will determine your final score and eventually how well you score on a scale that starts with Moron and goes all the way through to Genius.

Great features

Every now and then an app comes along that is simply wonderful in terms of the features that it offers. Moron Test iPhone game app is highly addictive and comes with hundreds of different steps for you to go through. You can see how well you do against everyone else both in terms of scoring and in terms of the achievements you are able to unlock. You have the option of going through many different types of questions while at the same time doing your best to get as close to Genius level as possible. With great look and feel elements as well, you can have lots of fun while playing this great addictive game.

Four sections with more on the way

Moron Test app for iPhone has had three sections each with more than 100 steps for a long time. These sections, entitled Old School, Late Registration and Winter Break, have allowed you to get your groove on while at the same time showing people how good your stuff really is. Food Fight was added into the mix recently also with more than 100 steps available and more steps will be coming along in different sections as time goes on. This app has a very loyal developer base that will definitely be releasing new levels for it as time goes on.

Final Score

The ability to get a score, see what your friends have been able to accomplish and then have fun berating each other for failures could definitely be the best way to have a lot of fun with an entertainment app on the iPhone. This app easily accomplishes that and more and we definitely recognize that this could easily be about the best $0.99 you ever spend on something. Our final score for Moron Test iPhone app is 10 out of 10.

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Category: Entertainment, Games, iPhone Apps

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