Merge duplicate contacts using Contact Cleaner App for BlackBerry
If there is one problem out there that everyone with a smart phone has to face on a regular basis, it would have to be the problem of duplicate contacts. No matter how much you try to keep on top of things, a person using their phone for everything from e-mail to IM conversations is a person that will have duplicate contacts. Contact Cleaner app for BlackBerry is a paid app that claims to be able to help you merge those contacts on a regular basis.
Resolve duplicates
Although there have been some claims made that Contact Cleaner BlackBerry app does not address contacts that have been synced wirelessly, it seems to be a hit-or-miss proposition. Some users have claimed to be able to do this while others have not. With all of your other contacts however, it appears as though this app is beyond reproach. It will show you the criteria upon which the duplicate identification has been made and then based on that criteria you can go ahead and resolve duplicates by merging them together.
Logical cleaning progression
Contact Cleaner app for BlackBerry has a very logical cleaning progression that you can use to get everything that you want out of this particular mobile application. You can get it to look through your entire database of contacts and once it does that you can get it to find duplicates and then query you as to whether or not those duplicates should be merged. You can even configure which attributes are used to perform the search so that you make absolutely sure that the contacts you are deleting are in fact duplicate contacts that should be merged with each other.
Final Score
Contact Cleaner app for BlackBerry costs $1.99, but in return for the money that you pay you will definitely get a lot of enhanced functionality from your BlackBerry smart phone device. You will be able to quickly and efficiently merge your duplicate records together and that is something that in the final calculation will really help you maintain a reasonable level of completion and neatness when it comes to your BlackBerry device. There may or may not be other apps out there that can do a better job with wireless syncing that cost more, but dollar-for-dollar this is probably one of the best apps out there for the BlackBerry given its specific purpose. Our final score for BlackBerry Contact Cleaner app is 8 out of 10.
Category: BlackBerry Apps, Communication, Lifestyle