Moodlamp 2 App for iPhone Review

| September 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

No power supply at home? Or your bed room lamp ditched you? Or got a dinner party and you want to create a cozy dim atmosphere? Don’t you worry, as your all-in-one light application is at your service on your iOS device. Turn on your iPhone or iPod Touch and download Moodlamp 2 app for iPhone exclusively for $0.99 and enjoy the shimmers of color in your room. Moodlamp 2 iPhone app will turn your device into a stunning illumination accessory.

Features of Moodlamp 2 App

Hosting a light show or a radiant night out at your home isn’t a vague dream any more. With Moodlamp 2 app for iPhone you can create a fancy mood lights on the walls or ceilings. You just need to place your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch next to a wall or let it face the ceiling and it would illuminate the entire area by creating a charismatic ambiance that would startle your friends every second. You could also ask your friends to run a Moodlamp 2 and create complex light shows for all.

Moodlamp 2 App for iPhone

Moodlamp 2 app for iPhone is an all purpose light tool. You may also use it as a simple white pocket torch when power supply has distressed you. Adding Filters to Moodlamp 2 is a promising feature now. You could choose your color, add them; yellow, red, green or blue and filter your torch. There is lot of fun for astronomers out there. Don’t have to worry about losing your night vision. You could use the dark red light to read maps at night. The Stroboscopic Effect will be of interest to all. All your friends will be taken aback with this effective Stroboscope mode. Placing reflective objects like an empty plastic bottle on the display can create stunning effects in your room. The only thing you have to be chary off is when you are placing glass object on your display screen, they might produce scratches.

You could use your iOS device to fabricate the glow that the expensive lamps make by slowly changing their colors. You could also put it next to the bright wall and turn off the lights to start dreaming!


Verdict: Turn on your Moodlamp 2 app for iPhone and enjoy the gentle shift of colors. The multihued spectrum it creates will keep your bashful festivity in good cheers. Moodlamp 2 is your all-in-one light application that can transform your iPad, iPhone or iPad Touch into a stunning, indescribable illumination accessory. Download it now or never!

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Category: Entertainment, iPhone Apps

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