Puffin Browser Pro iPhone App Review

| January 4, 2022 | 0 Comments

Puffin Secure Browser for iPhone ensures that your data is encrypted while it is processed through secure cloud servers rather than your device. This is ideal for those using open wifi networks since it provides additional security when browsing the web. Puffin Browser offloads CPU-intensive operations to the cloud, ensuring that your devices aren’t overworked while browsing popular sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and others. Users expressed a strong need for an ad-blocker that would also cut bandwidth use. Puffin Browser Free and Puffin Browser Pro have always been quite comparable in terms of functionality. The change was the option to download 1 GB of data to Google Drive or Dropbox over the cloud,then there it also offers brwoser isolation and cloud acceleration. Full desktop mode and virtual gamepad/trackpad is also another advantage of having the pro version of the browser.

Secure browsing system

Puffin Cloud Browser for iPhone is a client application that connects to the cloud server that hosts the web browser. The data interchange between the Puffin client app and the Puffin cloud server is not in HTML format and does not use the HTTP protocol. The Puffin client app functions similarly to a remote desktop client, while the Puffin cloud server functions similarly to a remote desktop server. Puffin Cloud Browser offers the impression of being a web browser, although it is not one in fact. Puffin Cloud Browser can only “show” online material that has been rendered on cloud servers, but it cannot “create” web content on client devices. With its secured cloud protection architecture, the Puffin browser seeks to avoid any data leaks. The app offers that you will be able to utilise open public wifi networks without fear of being hacked since you will be shielded from any nearby hackers.

Puffin Browser Pro iPhone App Review

Data encryption via cloud protection

Puffin provides you with a simulated trackpad and controller so you can operate Flash games. It also allows you to utilise add-ons that allow you to post directly to Facebook, Pocket, and other social media platforms. You may select desktop mode as the default if you don’t want to see a website’s mobile version. This saves you from having to switch it on every time the browser shuts. It only works on websites that are open to the public in the United States. It also doesn’t operate with private IP addresses, business intranets, or geo-restricted sites. The app is only available in countries with little restriction; it is not available in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates. The app is priced $3.99 to download from iTunes App Store.

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