Squeezy NHS Pelvic Floor iPhone App Review
Pelvic floor issues are amongst some of the most painful and frustrating ailments that a woman can face. The pain often becomes unbearable during those times of the month and after delivery. Thankfully, help is now close at hand, all due to the Squeezy NHS Pelvic Floor App for iPhone. Let us take a closer look at how this app is aiming to solve this widespread problem in a simple and effective way.
The One App for Your Pelvic Issues
There might be an endless list of healthcare apps, but only a few focus on a specific issue and gets it right. Squeezy NHS Pelvic Floor App for iPhone is one that does just that. So, what does this app really do? It helps you with the Kegel exercises that help you to get effective and long-term relief from pelvic floor pains. It has a pre-set exercise plan that helps you stay on course. To make things easy for you, it also has audio and videos to guide you with the exercises. Staying on the course with exercise is something that patients often find hard to keep up with. The app helps to solve that by notifying you when it’s time for the exercise. You can change the settings for notifications as well. If you are getting physical therapy treatment with the help of a professional, then the app comes with a ‘professional mode’ which adapts to the treatment plan prescribed for you and helps you follow the exercises.

- Easy to Use Interface
- Record your progress
- A bladder diary to keep track of symptoms
- Detailed information about the pelvic floor as well as the specific ailment that the patient is facing
- Used by over 70000 patients across the world
- Winner of multiple awards.
Squeezy NHS Pelvic Floor iPhone App is a great app for women looking for assistance to get effective relief from pelvic floor pains. The app is simple and easy to us and yet at the same time, comes loaded with features. So, download the app on your iPhone and live a better life. The app is priced at $2.99 to download from iTunes App Store.
Category: Health, iPhone Apps