Tag: best iphone finance apps

DataMan – Real Time Data Usage Manager App for iPhone Review

DataMan – Real Time Data Usage Manager App for iPhone Review

| October 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mobile based data plans are expensive; if you cross the allowable limit, it could seriously blow a hole on your wallet. With DataMan – Real Time Data Usage Manager app for iPhone, now you can have more control over your data usage. It let you keep tab of your data usage so that you’ll always […]

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Banca Beautiful Currency Converter App for iPhone Review

Banca Beautiful Currency Converter App for iPhone Review

| June 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

Businesses have become lot global in scope of late, and as a direct outcome, many people are traveling abroad regularly. It goes without mention that such travelers got to deal with multiple currencies every time they cross over international borders, and thanks to the dynamic nature of exchange rates, keeping a mental tab of conversion […]

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Daily Expenses app for iPhone Review

Daily Expenses app for iPhone Review

| August 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

As the economy is only slowly recovering from the recent slowdown, it will be wise from your part to be a bit more frugal than usual as far daily/monthly expenses are concerned until things become rosy again. Daily Expenses is one such application that lets you track your expenses from right within your iPhone. This […]

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