Tag: Facebook LifeStyle Apps

Social Connect Facebook Dating App

Social Connect Facebook Dating App

| May 10, 2010 | 0 Comments

Social Connect Facebook App  [starrater tpl=10] So many people (millions) are turning to social media sites and social dating apps on these sites to find dates, connect with people who have similar interests, and to have fun by sending digital greetings to friends and potential dating partners. Social Connect is the most creative, dynamic and […]

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My Diet App for Facebook

My Diet App for Facebook

| June 29, 2009 | 0 Comments

My Diet App for Facebook Summary Facebook has recently come out with many really useful online applications. One of these is My Diet app for Facebook, a relatively innocuous application that has nevertheless provided hours of use for just about everyone that has decided to give it a try. How is it able to do […]

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