The Class Calendar App

| June 19, 2009 | 0 Comments

The Class Calendar App for the Apple iPhone


Some of the simplest apps around are the ones that do just one thing, but do that thing exceptionally well. These are not going to be the flashiest apps, but they are certainly going to be some of the most useful. Class Calendar iPhone app is something that falls into that category, because it really only does one thing, but it is an extremely useful thing that most Apple iPhone users can use regardless of who they are.

User Interaction

When you are using the Class Calendar iPhone application, all you need is one free hand to do the sliding. You just slide through a few screens, input a few pieces of information and you are basically done from that point on.

When you initially start up the Class Calendar app for the iPhone, all you need to do is add the class in question to the app’s memory. This could be a sports class, a class at school or anything in between, it doesn’t really matter for the purposes of the iPhone app in question.

Once you have finished entering that information in, all you need to do is tap the repeat button and then you are going to get a chance to set a reminder on your Class Calendar application that will then bug you about the class every week. With reminders popping up at will to help you out, all that is left to do is use the notes aspect of the interface to add any other information that you think would be helpful to remember so that the reminder can be even more useful in terms of giving you the information that you need.

User Interface

The great thing about the user interface in the Class Calendar iPhone app is that it is really just the interface of the Apple iPhone itself. All you have is a form to fill out in terms of setting the time of your class, fixing the reminder in place and then adding the extra notes. It is a standard form with nothing good or bad about it.

Later on though, the reminder just pops up in a box on the background of your Apple iPhone. Think of it in the same sense as you would think of a desktop reminder on your computer and you will have a pretty good idea of what the interface for this program is like.


Utility and Productivity

With no new interface to learn, the productivity and utility of this iPhone application shoots through the roof. There is nothing new to learn and just a simple few pieces of information to input, making the productivity rating one of the best around. As the intro mentions, this is a simple app with a simple purpose that still manages to be powerfully useful to the average user.


At the end of the day, Class Calendar iPhone App receives an 8.0 out of 10 rating. The main reason for this is that the iPhone application doesn’t do a lot. If it did more with the current setup, it would easily get a close to perfect score.

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Category: iPhone Apps, Tools

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