Thunderspace 5k iPhone App Review

| December 6, 2016 | 0 Comments

Thunderspace 5k for iPhone has come up with a revolutionary concept: unwind to the sights and sounds of thunderstorms. Honestly, I have never thought that thunderstorm had a relaxing effect on our minds. But Thunderspace 5k proves otherwise. You can get the app for $0.99 from iTunes.


Thunderspace 5k for iPhone gives you your own thunderstorm in your pocket. The app’s spectacular 3D audio sound field reproduction technology delivers a realistic, high-quality open space sonic ambience over regular stereo headphones. The audio it produces is biometric. It reproduces the ambient sound field exactly the way you hear. As if you were there. The sound is realistic with the storm rumbling high above you, and the rain falling all around you. Using the app is easy and straightforward. Simply select the storm you want to listen to, toggle the flash for a simulated lightning effect, and then just sit back and enjoy the sounds. While it does not feature the beautiful parallax art from the other white noise apps, Thunderspace 5K for iPhone features soothing colour gradients to represent the thunderstorm that you choose to listen to. The app comes with two thunderstorm sounds. You can get more sounds through in-app purchases.


Thunderspace 5k for iPhone produces relaxation by teleporting your mind to a place far away from stress. Strange it may sound. But listening to the thunderstorms and the noise of the rains relaxes one’s mind. The UI of Thunderspace 5k is well designed and easy to navigate. Choosing the desired thunderstorm sound is a cake walk. New storms are frequently updated so that you don’t have to listen to the same sounds for long. The app is also stable and responsive. Thunderspace 5k requires iOS 7.0 or higher.


Thunderspace 5k app for iPhone help you simulate thunderstorms complete with lightning effects, thereby calming down your mind. Its 3D audio sound field reproduction technology delivers a realistic, high-quality open space sonic ambience that has a therapeutic effect on your mind. The colour gradients representing the thunderstorms on screen is a nice touch. The UI is easy to use. You can purchase more thunderstorm sounds via IAP. It is also stable. Check it out if you’re scouting for a white noise relaxation tool that’ll help you unwind and relax at the end of a hectic day.

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Category: iPhone Apps

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