Train your dog the smart way with Dog Whistler App for iPhone

| November 30, 2010 | 0 Comments

Check out Dog Whistler app iPhone. This iPhone application is easy to use, efficient, effective and most of all it is free for you to download. With millions of different people having tried this  dog training iPhone. app out.

Use the frequencies however you want them

When you are using Dog Whistler iPhone app, what you will quickly realize is that this particular app is very good at substituting for an actual dog whistle. Using the power of the iPhone handheld device, you can actually go ahead and use the entire frequency range of the smart phone. Simply slide the icon to one side or the other in order to change the frequency. If you have a specific number in mind you can even enter it in and do things that way.

Pick presets or go for custom

Picking the preset Dog Whistler app for iPhone settings is a good idea because those whistling presets are based on frequencies that have been recommended by experts. If you’d like though, you can use your own because this iPhone app gives you total control in the hopes that you will use it for maximum effect. You can even take a middle-of-the-road approach, using presets for some things and then adding your own frequencies in for others.

Train your dog with your iPhone

The main purpose of a dog whistle these days is for training and now that you have an iPhone instead of a dog whistle you can still train just as effectively as you were able to do before. Simply go ahead and use the whistle for training normally, but be aware of the fact that this is really where this app excels. There are even a dozen plus different whistle patterns included so that you don’t have to program different commands on your own.

Final Score

Dog Whistler app for iPhone is a fantastic iPhone mobile application. It will give you the chance to dispense with the whistle without paying any money in order to get that accomplished. Our final score for Dog Whistler iPhone app is 8 out of 10 with a recommendation for a tryout to anyone that would like a dog whistle on their smart phone.

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Category: House & Car, iPhone Apps, Tools

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