What Makes the Storm Different From Other BlackBerry Devices

| September 4, 2009 | 0 Comments

Probably the key feature to make this BlackBerry different from any previous models is the fact that this is the first time that the development of the devices has been marketed at anything other than the business market.  The Storm comes with AOL, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, MySpace and Flickr applications already locked and loaded.

To assure the more business minded of you though, the Storm does still come with WiFi, good multimedia functionality and the ability to download e-mail attachments.  Although you may want to make sure anyone sending you mail doesn’t expect you to view too many PDFs as they don’t display quite as well as they should.  Other applications for the business user include Microsoft Word To Go and Excel To Go.

The development of the Storm is clearly aimed at challenging the Apple iPhone dominance of the touch screen, smart phone market, and whilst BlackBerry’s are often purchased by many software arms of businesses the Storm will probably continue to do well, however personally I don’t see that it offers a good enough challenge to make too much of a dent in Apple’s market.

The Storm is quite a departure from the normal development aim of BlackBerry and as such hopefully they will listen to customer feedback from non-business as well as business consumers to create another device that meets consumer needs appropriately, whilst offering serious competition to all those looking to enter the smart phone market and provide customer focused applications.  To be honest, I think they are better off focusing their attention on a device aimed purely at business users and another aimed at the general market.  We’ll see what the future holds for BlackBerry.

Category: Tools

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