Aquarella App for iPhone Review

| January 4, 2015 | 0 Comments

Aquarella app for iPhone is the newest entry into the App world. It is a photo editing app developed by JixiPix Software and is available for iOS devices. The app helps to transform a picture into an art work. Aquarella app is a paid application and can be downloaded for $2.99 from iTunes App Store.


Aquarella app for iPhone can do wonders with a picture which can be used to transform a picture to look like a real watercolour painting. We can try a number of possible watercolour combinations using the settings and adjustments provided by the app. Just like JixiPix’s other apps, Aquarella also has two presets. The traditional aqua colour preset and the two toned preset. Aqua colour preset will change the picture into a watercolor by keeping the colours the same and the two toned preset will change the image into a watercolour using two tones instead of using the colour which is already present in the picture. Wash is another feature which can completely change the look and feel of the picture.

Aquarella App for iPhone

This feature can be applied on to your picture by selecting the given examples of wash. Bloom is another jaw dropping feature which helps to make the picture look more like a watercolour. Some of its settings has drips and splatters to make it look like someone actually painted it, interesting right! We can also directly post these pics to Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and Instagram from mobile devices.


Aquarella app for iPhone is a cool photo editing application for iOS platform. By pressing the about button in the top screen you get a complete explanation on how-to use Aquarella which makes it more easier. The only disadvantage is that the app is optimised for iPhone5 so it’s slower for the older models. If you love creating watercolor paintings then Aquarella is your best pick.

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Category: Entertainment, iPhone Apps

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