Calorie Counter Pro App For iPhone Review

| August 4, 2013 | 1 Comment

Fitness, Figure, Health!!! Are these words part of your life? If yes then you are certainly careful about your body and its fitness level. When we are controlling our diet to shape out our body, we always watch on how much calories intake in our food but it is pretty difficult to count calories every time you eat. Now forget this, you have an app called Calorie Counter Pro for iPhone which will let you know about calorie content of food you eat. It will also help to keep your diet balanced to support your total body.

Features of Calorie Counter Pro App

Calorie Counter Pro app for iPhone, as the name suggest, will show the calorie content in the foods you take so you can avoid excess high calorie food. Calorie Counter Pro is a feature-rich app that allows you to track just about every aspect of your health and fitness. It is very much beyond a food diary. In this app, you will get a diet planner, recipes and detailed nutrition database for your day to day routine. Various health journals can be synced with Calorie Counter Pro so you can be aware of latest developments through your iPhone. The app will help you to track details like blood pressure, body measurement, water intake, vitamins and meditations. You will also get access to an online community that is supported by registered dieticians; you can refer to them in case of requirement.

Calorie Counter Pro App For iPhone

iPhone Calorie Counter Pro app works well offline too without internet connection, with a streamlined offline database to access. But all this is not free; you need to shed out few bucks for this app. The app (current version-3.6.) can be downloaded for £2.49 from Apple iTunes website with requirement of iOS 4.3 or later. The app size is 13.8 MB.


Calorie Counter Pro app for iPhone will be useful for tracking food intake, planning diet chart, and exercise plans. This app is absolutely useful tool – it’s like having your own nutritionist with you at all times and to utilize the resources at the best. Verdict: Definite pick for fitness lovers!!!

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Category: iPhone Apps

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  1. Steve says:

    This looks like a real cool app to track calories on your iPhone. Thanks, I will check it out!

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