Desk SMS App for Android Review

| October 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

Desk SMS app for Android is a very handy application that lets you text from your phone number – even without accessing your phone – via your Gmail, Google Talk or browser. And it was found, unlike many other similar programs, Desk SMS works in tandem with the workflow of most people. Desk SMS Android app can be downloaded for free for a 14-day trial; otherwise, the license fee is $4.99 per year.

How Desk SMS App Works?

Once installed, you’ll be required to link the Desk SMS to your Google Account. Now, check which all services you want to forward your text messages to. Once done that, you’re ready to receive/send texts through your Gmail, GTalk or the Chrome browser extension. That is, anytime you receive a text message on your Android device, it will be automatically forwarded to your these services. So, if you have your IM running in your Android phone, you can receive and respond to text messages from Google Talk. Alternatively, you can rely on Gmail to perform the same task. Also, you can view it on a web interface, or a browser extension that puts up a slick web interface on Chrome/Firefox’s toolbar.

Desk SMS App for Android

And the best part of Android Desk SMS app is that the recipient will view your message as being sent from your phone number, and not from some encrypted number or jumbled email address that none understands. That is, how you’ve managed to send the text message remains totally masked for the other person.

Desk SMS Android application spots a clean user interface that is easy to use. On the downside, if it can be called so, the app requires the user to merge the contact list (on your phone) with that of Google Talk contact list. It can be a bit annoying to users. Similarly, the yearly subscription fee might not be taken kindly by some users.

Final Thoughts

If you work a lot on your PC or you have more than one Android phone, Desk SMS app certainly helps. It brings together Gmail, GTalk, browser and your phone together, on the messaging front, all the while keeping the recipient oblivious to your multipoint-messaging capability. And the price tag? We think Desk SMS app for Android is reasonably priced given the features it brings to the table. Try out the free version now!

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Category: Android Apps, Communication

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