Droplist App for iPhone Review

| October 2, 2012 | 0 Comments

There are umpteen task apps in iTunes and each one has its own method to help you organize your life/work. If to point out one major downside of most todo apps, it is that you’ve got to navigate multiple screens often to do something. Such a roundabout manner could be least desirable to a power user like most of you. Droplist app for iPhone comes up with a new way to deal with lists and tasks, by organizing everything in a single page. Droplist iPhone app can be downloaded by paying just $1.99.

Droplist iPhone App Features

Droplist app for iPhone interface has two parts: a tabbed list of tasks at the top and a 7-day calendar at the bottom. The topmost tab is static, and it is the settings menu. The others are folders where you’ll put your tasks in. In order to create tasks, simply select a tab and double-tap on the list on the left. A swipe to the left let you mark the task as important (changes color from black to red), set a reminder, and/or delete/remove the task. Swiping to the right crosses out the item, like you do in a grocery list.

Droplist App for iPhone

Droplist app for iPhone provides a handy drag and drop feature to schedule the tasks created. In order to schedule a given task, hold down on it and drag it into the day in the calendar below. Visually the task won’t drag. But it’ll move to where you’ve intended it to go. The calendar shows only the present week. If you want to schedule a task for the next week, swipe the calendar from right to left to go to the next week before following the same procedure. Since the app squeezes everything in a single page, it will be a bit difficult to view the calendar items for some of you. Well, that is a downside with Droplist. Droplist application is compatible with iOS versions 4.0 and upwards. It got a file size of 3.4 MB.


Droplist app for iPhone is a unique task scheduler that keeps all your info in one user interface that you don’t have to shuffle around to organize/categorize your tasks. It is quite user friendly as well; you can mark a task, categorize the same, or remove an item from the list using swiping gestures only. The integrated drag and drop feature comes handy. Overall, Droplist is a decent productivity app optimized for power users out there.

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