GPP Remote Viewer App for Android Review

| March 23, 2013 | 0 Comments

Have you come across a situation wherein you were away from the desk or home PC, and urgently you wanted to access a file from it? GPP Remote Viewer app for Android could be your savior in such instances. The app let you remotely access your PC wherever you are. You can download GPP Remote Viewer for a nominal $2.99 from Google Play Store.

GPP Remote Viewer App Features

GPP Remote Viewer app for Android let you access your PC from a distance. The app automatically finds your computer and chooses the best way to connect to it. So, no worries on that front. Using the app, you can copy, delete, download and upload files and install Android apps from your PC in one click. Further, you can watch screen on your PC, watch what happens to your home via WEBCAM, and send messages at will. From a utility perspective, GPP Remote Viewer app is perfect for parents monitoring their children’s computer usage, employers verifying employee activities, or business people.

GPP Remote Viewer App for Android

Interestingly, Android GPP Remote Viewer app does not require any network set up. Setup is easy at best. Some of its major features include, but not limited to, remote process control, remote file manager, media control, power manager, ability to send messages, remote actions, webcam live view and live control. The user interface of GPP Remote Viewer for Android is pretty easy to navigate around. The bluish color theme stands out, while every folder, menu item and other controls are displayed in an orderly fashion.

GPP Remote Viewer application is compatible with Android OS versions 2.2 (Froyo) or later. The app got a file size of 832Kb which is quite reasonable even for a low end smartphone.

Final Thoughts

GPP Remote Viewer app for Android extends your reach, even if you’re away from your desk/PC. It works seamlessly for most parts. It automatically finds your computer and chooses the best way to connect to it while you can sit back and relax. For parents, the app provides a reliable means to monitor their child’s computer usage. The app also got a catchy color theme, and a user friendly interface. Verdict: A handy and feature rich remote viewer app for Android that is worth trying out.

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Category: Android Apps, Communication

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