Lagfix App for Android Review

| March 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

As you use an OS powered gadget more and more, it starts to slow down progressively. In the case of Linux based systems, this can be attributed to storage, or specifically how memory controller access behaves. To fix it, there is a utility called ‘fstrim’ that cleans up unused storage and increases performance. Android is a Linux based system and hence suffers from the same sort of slowing down on regular use. But Android does not natively provide a ‘fstrim’ capability to cleanup things. However, now there is an application – Lagfix app – that is an implementation of fstrim utility in Android. You can get it for $0.99.

Lagfix App Features

You should understand that Lagfix app for Android is designed to address slowdown caused by memory controller. It basically works by providing the memory controller a cheat sheet detailing which memory blocks are free and which ones are in use, thus improving the performance. However, the app works only on a rooted device, preferably without any expandable storage (microSD card). If to cite an example, the app works well with Galaxy Nexus and some of the HTC devices such as HTC OneX.

Lagfix app for Android is not a one-time use application. As you continue to use your Android phone, it starts to lag again, in which case you got to run Lagfix again. The app allows you to select which partitions to trim (you should leave defaults unless you know what you are doing) and run the process easily. That is, just initiate the app, select the partitions, and hit ‘run’, and the app will do the rest. It will take about 10 minutes for Lagfix to perform the necessary operations. You also got an option to auto-run trimming at specified schedule. After Lagfix is finished, reboot the device to allow the memory controller to reinitialize the block data.

Lagfix App for Android

It should be noted that even though Android Lagfix app performs an action that is natively supported by the OS, still there is a remote risk of data corruption. Hence it is advisable that all data be backed up before running Lagfix for Android in your device. Lagfix is compatible with Android OS versions 2.2 and later.


If your phone suffers from memory controller access bug, Lagfix Android app could solve it for you. It does not work for all Android devices in the market; but you can try it as the app is not known to harm devices, a chance of data corruption notwithstanding. The auto-schedule option comes handy. Those who don’t wish to pay money upfront may try out Lagfix’s ad-supported free version. It got almost all features of the paid version, save auto-scheduling. Verdict: Try it out.

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Category: Android Apps, Tools

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