Green Miles App for iPhone

| June 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Green Miles app for iPhone is a simple, yet fully automated GPS enabled mile tracker application for iPhone. The app frees you from having to enter any mileage anywhere, but just the destination and description, and the app starts tracking your mileage and time straightaway. Green Miles has a price tag of $0.99 attached to it.

Features of Green Miles App

Installing and setting up Green Miles app in your iPhone is a breeze. Also, the application sports an easy to use interface/layout that is devoid of any flashy colors or graphics. However, the most noteworthy aspect of Green Miles is the lack of cluttering that is found in most other mile tracking apps. On opening the app, you can straightaway get into business. In other words, there is no roundabout way of doing things.

You can start tracking your mileage in three steps: enter your event name, event description, and click ‘start tracking’ button. Similarly, when you reach your destination, click ‘stop tracking’ following which the trip summary screen will be displayed. In other words, there is no need to enter start and stop mileage. The app will track it automatically until you press ‘stop tracking’. The trip summary can also be sent to a designated email that can be configured by the user. Green Miles track mileage in terms of kilometers or miles, depending on which part of the world you are from.

Green Miles iPhone Application

As it was found, iPhone Green Miles app offers reasonably good accuracy thanks to its integration with GPS. Depending on phone signal strength, and distance travelled, the app returned results that were accurate within few miles. The app is also designed to be not intrusive with other iPhone functions. For example, you can attend an incoming phone call, and the app continues to do its job smoothly in the background.

On the downside, continuous usage of GPS could have an impact on the battery life of iPhone. So while setting out for long drives, ensure that you have your charger as well ready in your car’s glove box.


Green Miles app for iPhone is a quite reliable mileage tracking application you can have in your iPhone. It is simple, easy to use, and does the job automatically for most parts. Human interference is minimal. True, it could drain the battery significantly over a long trip. But such inevitable things apart, Green Miles helps you improve your business efficiency by providing you with accurate data for expense reports for mileage and business trips. Green Miles iPhone app can be downloaded from iTunes for $0.99.

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