HelloPhoto App for iPhone Review
HelloPhoto is one of the top ten photography applications available for Smartphones. Developed by Light Paint Pro, the app has officially made a buzz by crossing more than 1.4 million downloads and 4+ rating on the iTunes App Store. HelloPhoto app is already honored as App Of The Day on the appwhisperer.com on date February 14, 2011. Let us have a look on its features to know why this photography app is so popular among iOS users.
HelloPhoto app for iPhone is designed to restore photographs taken on slides and negatives, resuscitating an artistic expression that is gradually being disregarded in this advanced time. So in the event that you are having slides and negatives in awful condition, this application is here to bring a grin on you. This will recover your film from dust with a reasonable enough clarity. HelloPhoto app utilize the light table’s conformity to improve slides and negatives before shooting them, later take photographs of slides and free them from indistinct quality. The application supports at most ten languages including English, Dutch and German.
The features of Light table in iPad are more than iPhone. The best feature in iPad table is tray which can hold up to 35 slides and centering focuses to guarantee right white offset. HelloPhoto for iPhone is packed up with a spectacular feature which will turn your film into digital. To perform this specific feature all you need to do is to place your slide on an iPhone or iPad in HelloPhoto’s light table mode and by using another iPhone running HelloPhoto, take a snap of the slide. Even you can change the white balance of the film by making use of colour correction sliders. It’s done. You now have a digital copy of your slide to share and post them on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr.
HelloPhoto app for iPhone is like a bolt out of blue in the App store. All you need is a combination two devices whether its iPhone and iPad, or iPhone and iPhone, or a digital camera and an iOS device to be used as light table. HelloPhoto requires iOS version 4.3 or higher and compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. HelloPhoto is the best innovative application which sets back the price strikingly low as $1.99 which is truly worth keeping in mind the end goal to get back your film in an incredible condition from a terrible condition.
Category: iPhone Apps