How to Read Thoughts App for iPhone Review

| November 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

Studies have proved that only 10% of all the info we pick up when talking to someone is conveyed through words. Thirty percentages is conveyed through the emotional tone of the other person’s voice, and 60% is conveyed through their gestures, body language and eyes. In other words, if you can read a person’s body language, you could understand his/her intentions and thoughts better. If you’re curious to learn about body language/gestures, How to Read Thoughts app for iPhone might just peak your interest.


Knowing a thing about body language or gesture helps you to read whether people are lying to you, trying to hide their displeasure, being mean to you, making fun of you, feeling ashamed, are secretly in love with you, seeking your approval, having doubts, or flirting with you. It is the whole gamut of human emotions is revealed in people’s gestures and body language and the look in their eyes. How to Read Thoughts for iPhone is a handy guide that details what the usual body language/gesture means in human interactions. How to Read Thoughts for iPhone wraps everything about body language is a handy app. It is however a quick reference application than something interactive. The UI is a list of categories pertaining to various aspects of body language, which branches into individual actions or gestures.

How to Read Thoughts App for iPhone

How to Read Thoughts iPhone app is not something that you can whip-out in the middle of a conversation to decode what the other person has in mind. But it certainly helps you to learn the language of gestures and it could give you an advantage in a conversation as you might be able to read the other person’s intentions and emotions better. The contents of How to Read Thoughts app seems to have been derived from tested documents. But still body language is not exact science. So there will be an element of ambiguity always.


How to Read Thoughts for iPhone basically provides a neatly categorized collection of information on human body language and gestures. Unfortunately, the app is not at all interactive. It merely presents the information that you got to search, find out and read. Little bit of animation to indicate specific body language queues could have been a saving grace. The app is stable and responsive for most parts. You can get the app for $0.99 from iTunes App Store. Verdict: Only consider it if you in lookout for a ready reckoner for human gestures and body language.

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Category: Entertainment, iPhone Apps

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