Image Blender App for iPhone Review

| February 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

We always believe that pictures are more expressive and useful to convey your feelings in comparison to words. Image Blender app for iPhone is designed by keeping that thought in mind; to help users create beautiful pictures with superb photo effects. It can make our photos more colorful and vivid by using smart image processing in the iPhone. You will certainly feel delighted as this app helps you to bring out the artist in you. Image Blender app can be downloaded just for $2.99 from Apple`s iTunes Website.

Features of Image Blender app

Image Blender app for iPhone has almost everything that is required to turn ordinary pictures into some extraordinary ones. It has stylish photo filters, fantastic color backgrounds, amazing quality resolution and fixtures which makes it a great choice for creative photography. It has some in build filters for basic usage by a normal user. But users can also do customization in the app according to their needs like adjusting photo exposure and colors. One very useful feature is to replace objects, now you can add or replace any object in the photo with Image Blender app. Some other features which are worth highlighting are multi exposure, object adjustment, setting texture and adjusting overlays. It will help to turn your photos of beautiful memories and amazing moments of life into stunning photo art in few minutes.

Image Blender App for iPhone

Image Blender app has innovative user interface and simple controls which makes it a creative app for combining images with masks and multiple photo blend modes on your iPhone. Users will be pleased to note that Image Blender app always outputs the full resolution (i.e. no limits of pixels) of the background image. It also ensures to get the best result and make sure it is not too small to view. As every cool and useful tool is not free thus you need to pay few bucks to enjoy Image Blender. The app is compatible with iOS version (7.0) or higher.


Image Blender app for iPhone is an outstanding tool to do photo editing on your smart phone. All of its features are up to the date and can give professional touch to your photos. This app gives you freedom to brush up your imagination in your particular way. Buy and Install it. You will surely get positive value proposition by using the app.

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Category: iPhone Apps

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