Instant Heat Rate iPhone App Review

| January 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

It sounds crazy. But with Instant Heat Rate app for iPhone, you’re actually using the iPhone camera and flash to measure your heart rate. You just got to put your fingertip on the camera lens for about 15 seconds to find out your heart rate. The app can be downloaded for $2.99 from iTunes App Store.


Instant Heat Rate app for iPhone uses a technology called photoplethysmography. That is, every time the heart pumps blood through the blood vessels, the tiny capillaries expand. When the flash illuminates the skin, the camera can capture the miniscule color changes happening each time the heart beats. From a user perspective, all you got to do is to keep your fingertip on the camera lens for about 15 seconds. In few seconds, you can see the heart rate as well as a moving line graph of your pulse on the UI. The app comes with heart rate timeline tracking, sharing, and a reference chart. Also, users can export their results to Facebook, Evernote, Twitter, and other popular SNS. The app provides an option to tag your pulse rates for reference. This comes handy if you want to document or record your heart rates for some purpose. Of course, you can also add your own tags.

Instant Heat Rate iPhone App Review

So how accurate is it? Well, we found it to be pretty accurate provided your finger placement is as advised. You must make sure that you finger properly covers the camera lens. If your hand is shaky or sweaty after a workout, well, there could be a slight error in the readings.
The utility of Instant Heart Rate for iPhone notwithstanding, there are two minor side effects attached to using the camera. One, it’ll cause smudges on the camera lens. Secondly, repeated use of flash drains the iPhone battery. In terms of performance, the app is found to be slick and responsive. The app requires iOS 7.1 or later and is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


Instant Heat Rate app for iPhone is a handy tool to have if you would like to do a one-off heart rate measurement without an expensive unitasker. The results are fairly accurate, if not exactly precise. For medical purposes, however you’re not advised to use Instant Heart Rate app. The UI is clean. Custom tagging helps you to organize your readings for later reference. SNS integration comes handy. Overall, a handy utility that provides a quick and easy way to read your own pulse.

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Category: Health, iPhone Apps

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