Life Aware App on the Google Android

| November 26, 2009 | 0 Comments

Keeping track of your family and friends has always been one of the main purposes of technology. Now, Google Android has made that task just a little bit simpler with their introduction of the Life Aware apps for Android.

User Interface

The interface of Life Aware apps for Android is extremely easy to deal with. In its normal mode, all you need to do is read the instructions as they appear on the screen. In the always on mode during which this software can run in the background of your Android on smaller amounts of power, you don’t even have to do that. It will track your family and friends for you and feed you that information when certain conditions that you set up beforehand are met.

User Interaction

Interacting with Life Aware apps for Google Android is extremely easy to do as well, making it even better overall as a result. All you have to do in order to properly interact with this software is create Life Aware conditions. These conditions can be proximity conditions, specific location conditions or just about anything else location-based that you can think of. Then, all you have to do is sit back and let Life Aware let you know when one or more of those conditions have been satisfied.

Utility and Productivity

Utilizing this particular piece of software is something that can help you keep track of any family and friends that you have. The combined use of GPS and the Google Maps software suite is what allows this software program to work. Because of that, Life Aware on the Google Android is going to be a much better tracking system than just about any other software package that comes onto the market. Google has always been the leader in terms of these location-based services and the Life Aware software package is just an extension of that particular brand of functionality.

Final Score

Not everyone is interested in knowing where their family and friends are in real time, but that is not all Life Aware apps provides. It provides you with the knowledge that you need to meet up with friends and even the knowledge that you need in order to know when they are near you. That is something that could be useful to everyone. For that reason, we have given Life Aware apps for Android a final score of 8.5 out of 10.

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Category: Android Apps, Communication

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