Live the controller experience with Flight Control HD App for iPhone

| July 8, 2011 | 0 Comments

Lots of people have stressful jobs, but few can compare to the stress experienced by the average air traffic controller. It is a thankless task that people undertake and only people with absolute nerves of steel can really complete that career successfully. Want to learn more? You can now experience it firsthand for a pittance of a cost through playing the Flight Control HD simulator for the iPhone platform.

Simple mechanics

One aspect that really does characterize Flight Control HD game app for iPhone well is the fact that it has very simple mechanics. You simply look over the incoming planes and then drag and drop those planes to the runways in order to direct them on how to land safely. In truth, this simplicity actually does a really good job of mirroring the relative simplicity of the flight controller position. You simply look at radar screens and then give directions to the incoming aircraft. As far as actual mechanics go the position is simple, but like most things the devil is in the details and closer inspection is where things begin to get serious both for the flight controller’s position as well as for this iPhone gaming app.

Flight Control HD Game App for iPhone








Crazy stress levels

Although it is definitely true that Flight Control HD app for iPhone is an application that is easy to control, it is also just as true that you can get some crazy stress levels from playing this game. Although the mechanics are easy, eventually the speed at which aircraft arrive and the increasing number will make it harder and harder to keep everything going properly. Mid-air collisions can take place as a result of your actions and when you are burdened enough that you let one of those happen, you will instantly have a new appreciation for just how difficult the job of a flight controller actually is.

Final Score

Flight Control HD iPhone app is definitely a gaming application first and foremost, but it is also an app that has an element of education to is. This is a refreshing change from many of the mindless gaming apps that have been around these days and that is something we definitely appreciate. We also appreciate the $0.99 price tag this app currently has, something that makes it quite a bargain moving forward. For all of these reasons, we are happy to give iPhone Flight Control HD app a final score of 9 out of 10.

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Category: Games, iPhone Apps

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